Day Three: Traditional Lunch and Tortilla-making Lesson in Family Homes (Part Two)

After having a traditional breakfast of black beans, eggs and homemade tortillas, we were giving a tortilla-making lesson by an expert mother of one of the students in the Limitless Horizons Ixil program. The skill of making tortillas is definitely not an easy one. We were not able to master the rounding and the soft edible texture of the tortilla, but we tried. It was rewarding to have this skillful and patient mother teach us to make tortillas even through the language barrier. She was amazing and the experience was very humbling because this was the first time we were welcomed into one of the homes of a Chajul family.

(BPS Teachers Enjoying Tortillas) After making our own tortillas, we were encouraged to try our creation, which were not as tasty as the homemade ones by our host mother/teacher. :( However, we tried and it was an extremely rewarding experience.

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